Vedic, Social, Religious Importance and ‎Significance Of Yagyopavit, Upanayana, Janeu Sanskar

30 Jun, 2014

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Yagyopaveet (Sacred Thread)

The sacred thread ceremony is very significant in the life of a Hindu man. This ceremony initiates the child into an intellectual and spiritual journey. The mother gives birth to the child; this is natural birth. However, when the Guru initiates him by giving Gayatri mantra, this prayer for Buddhi is considered a second birth of the child. tHis ceremony is known also as Upnayan, 'the sacred vision' or 'new vision', the vision to se things in a proper way and to know 'wrong' and 'right'. Therefore, Upnayan is essential to handle household life.

'Yagyopaveet' (sacred thread) indicates that the child is qualified to perform all the traditional Vedic rites including Pitra Kriya and Tarpan for his forefathers.

Yagyopaveet symbolizes three formes of one supreme being, Satoguna Brahma (the creator), Rajoguna Vishnu (the sustained) and Rajoguna Shiva (the destroyer). The knot is called Brahma-Knot, the Lord who controls these three faces of nature. It also symbolizes the three duties for three debts.

(i) Pitra: Debt of parents and ancestors,
(ii) Manushya: Debt of society and humanity,
(iii) Dev: Debt of Nature and God. The twist in the thread symbolizes strength and honesty.

Gayatri Mantra is given to the child who promises to lead a good human life as per the rules of Dharmashastra.

O! God Fiver of birth and life, the dispeller of ignorance, and bestower of light, we meditate upon thee. O creator of ours! The most worthy and acceptable almighty, nay you inspire and lead our mind and intellect.

Gayatri Mantra is simple prayer to the Sun God to brighten the intellect. The sun represents the creator of the Earth, God. Just as we bathe our body to keep clean every day, so must we bathe our mind with the Gayatri prayer, to keep our mind ever pure, ever inspired. Gayatri Mantra is so powerful that it can destory all negative forces.

The ceremony has six parts: -

Puja: worshipping the Gods,
Havan: sacrifice,
Shiksha: teaching the morality and duties in life,
Bhiksha: begging as a renounced Brahmchari of Gurukula. Teacher's teaching has made him renounced minded that he has accepted a life of Vairagee,
Diksha: giving the most sacred Gayatri Mantra to the child, and
Blessings: child is bless by all Gods, Goddesses, ancestors, and elders.

यज्ञोपवीत संस्कार

हिन्दू धर्म संस्कारों में उपनयन संस्कार दशम संस्कार है। मनुष्य जीवन के लिए यह संस्कार विशेष महत्त्वपूर्ण है। इस संस्कार के अनन्तर ही बालक के जीवन में भौतिक तथा आध्यात्मिक उन्नति का मार्ग प्रशस्त होता है। इस संस्कार में वेदारम्भ-संस्कार का भी समावेश है। इसी को यज्ञोपवीत-संस्कार भी कहते हैं। इस संस्कार में वटुक को गायत्री मंत्र की दीक्षा दी जाती है और यज्ञोपवीत धारण कराया जाता है। विशेषकर अपनी-अपनी शाखा के अनुसार वेदाध्ययन किया जाता है। यह संस्कार ब्राह्मण बालक का आठवें वर्ष में, क्षत्रिय बालक का ग्यारहवें वर्ष में और वैश्य बालक का बारहवें वर्ष में होता है। कन्याओं को इस संस्कार का अधिकार नहीं दिया गया है।

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