Powerful Sapt Chiranjiv Mantra For Longevity, आरोग्यता व दीर्घायु प्राप्ति हेतु सप्त चिरंजीव मंत्र

06 Jun, 2013

The term is a combination of chiram, or 'permanent', and jīvi, or 'lived'. It is same as amaradeva, which refers to true immortality. At the end of the last Kalpa, a demon attempted to become immortal by swallowing the Vedas as they escaped from the mouth of Brahma. The scripture was retrieved by the first avatar of Vishnu, Matsya. Incarnations of Vishnu also later fought and killed two other asuras, Hiranyakasipu and Ravana, who tried to become immortal through obeisance to Shiva. In Hinduism, immortal does not mean eternal, as all physical bodies are foretold to become immaterial at the end of time, along with Brahma himself.

सप्त चिरंजीव मंत्र -

अश्वत्थामा बलिर्व्यासो हनुमांश्च विभीषण:।
कृप: परशुरामश्च सप्तैते चिर जीविन:॥
सप्तैतान संस्म्रेन्नित्यं मार्कण्डेयमथाष्ट मम।
जीवेद्वर्षशतं सोऽपि सर्वव्याधिविवर्जित:॥

अर्थात अश्वत्थामा, बलि, वेदव्यास, विभीषण, हनुमान, कृपाचार्य, परशुराम, तथा मार्कण्डेय मुनि को जो प्राणी प्रात:काल मे स्मरण करता है वह शतायु होता है। श्री मार्कंडेय जी आठवे चिरंजीव है ।

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