Know What Is Pran Pratishtha, How It Turns an Idol into a Deity, Infusing Life In An Idol

05 Mar, 2014

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मंदिरों में मूर्तियों, प्रतिमाओं की प्राण-प्रतिष्ठा क्यों की जाती है, क्या है इसके वैज्ञानिक आधार.......Know What Is Pran Pratishtha, How It Turns an Idol into a Deity, Infusing Life In An Idol......

Prana pratistha is the Hindu theological term for a rite or ceremony by which a deity is infused or brought to inhabit a murti or icon of that deity. According to Gavin Flood, "A ritual of consecration in which the consciousness or power of the deity is brought into the image awakens the icon in a temple." According to orthodox Hinduism it is only after this rite is properly performed that worship should be offered to the murti. The Sanskrit word pratiṣṭhā, which in general usage means "resting" or "position", used in connection with a murti is translated by Apte as "the consecration of an idol or image". The corresponding adjective pratiṣṭha means "installed" or "consecrated". A special type of consecration is used for festival icons (Sanskrit: utsava vigraha) for the purpose of parading the deity for the community to receive the vision (Sanskrit: darśaṇa) of the deity. Another term used for consecration in the Jain tradition is añjana śalākā, the "eye-opening" rite by which a qualified practitioner "enlivens" a murti for worship.

"Quantum physicists have discovered that the nature of the universe is energy and vibrations; one vast quantum field of possibilities and that everything is connected to everything else like some invisible web. At the smallest level of matter, behavior is governed by consciousness, thought (mind) and energy, which suggests we are the creators of our reality. The influence of an observer in Quantum Physics is profound. We are the Observer, we are the creator. See "Quantum Life Changes" for how to use it in your life."

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